The Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) is a federation of national organisations from Europe and beyond, which all fund and encourage the internationalisation of their higher education systems. Acting as an advocate of internationalisation world-wide, ACA offers these actors a European multilateral platform for cooperation, the development of long-lasting partnerships, and innovation in higher education. ACA stands for many things, but above all, it is an expert centre, producing studies and evaluations, organising international seminars and conferences, and providing information on new developments in European and global higher education.
VLUHR QA is an independent evaluation body in Flanders. VLUHR KZ focuses on the organisation of external quality assurance (programme assessment), setting up quality improvement trajectories in the Flemish education, learning and training landscape and writing learning outcomes.
Czech Liaison Office for Education and Research in Brussels (CZELO)
The Czech Liaison Office for Research, Development and Innovation (CZELO) was established in Brussels in May 2005, is hosted by the Technology Centre CAS, and is financially supported by the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. It provides free services to researchers from all fields and all research bodies in the Czech Republic. CZELO is an active member of IGLO (Informal Group of RTD Liaison Offices in Brussels) –
The principal aim of CZELO is to support the successful integration of the Czech research community into the European research cooperation, particularly through the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Innovation (Horizon 2020).
Dům zahraniční spolupráce, Czech National Agency for International Education (DZS)
Dům zahraniční spolupráce (DZS) is an organisation established and directly managed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic. The DZS performs tasks involved with ensuring educational, training and other relations with foreign countries under the instructions of the ministry. The DZS is responsible for a number of international programmes, carries out activities relating to promotion of education, provides information and consultation services and organises national and international seminars and conferences. The services are aimed at individuals, students, teachers, directors of all types of schools and other professionals, educational organisations and associations whose activities are related to education, and also both central and local authorities.
The DAAD is a joint organisation of Germany’s higher education institutions. It promotes international academic relations all over the world, primarily through the exchange of students, academics and researchers. It offers more than 200 student and faculty scholarship and cooperation programmes which are open to applicants from abroad and Germany alike and cover all academic disciplines and all countries. In addition, the DAAD is funding the internationalisation of Germany’s universities through worldwide institutional partnerships, summer schools, international degree programmes, etc. Supporting the reform of higher education systems in developing and transition countries in the South and the East is one of DAAD`s tasks as well. All funding decisions are being taken by independent academic Selection Committees.
DAAD is also maintaining and establishing German language, literature and culture studies at selected universities around the world. International marketing of study, research and training in Germany and in the European Union belongs to DAAD’s main objectives as well. Besides the above mentioned activities the DAAD is acting as National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation (LLP-ERASMUS, ERASMUS Mundus, TEMPUS and other EU-Third Country Cooperation Programmes). All in all, the DAAD is supporting with a total budget of €350 million more than 55.000 people in cross-border education and research and 30.000 in mobility activities funded through LLP/ERASMUS.
Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK dir)
The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills has an overall national responsibility for administrative tasks within higher education, higher vocational education and skills policy. The Directorate is a professional adviser to the Ministry of Education and Research, which implements policy and coordinates the means.
The Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills contributes to developing the quality of education and training, strengthening international cooperation, and contributes to the digital transformation of universities and university colleges. The Directorate works to raise the competence of the population, make education and training of high quality available to all throughout life, and ensure access to a competent workforce to employers.
Nuffic - The Dutch organisation for internationalisation in education
Nuffic promotes the full scope of the Dutch higher education system abroad. Among other things, higher professional education will benefit through thematic living labs, which will unite institutions, the business sector and the public sector.
In addition, Nuffic issues advice on the recognition of diplomas from abroad and provide insight into facts and figures. Nuffic also contributes to the formulation of a strategy to attract talent from abroad to the Dutch labour market, focusing on academic talent in particular.
In 2025, a greater and more diverse group of students will move abroad for a study or internship. In addition, Nuffic supports more research universities and universities of applied sciences in taking part in global capacity development projects.