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Day 1 30 January 2025

10:30 - 12:00

Pre-seminar networking (optional) - Meet colleagues before the seminar to network over a warm beverage 

12:00 - 13:00

Registration and light networking lunch

13:00 - 13:10

Welcome address: Gro Tjore, Deputy Director, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-Dir) and, President, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

13:10 - 14:30

Plenary: New EU policy priorities and orientations: updates from the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council  
This opening panel will set the scene for the event, featuring a series of keynote inputs by three prominent EU policy makers, offering valuable insights into both long-standing and emerging political priorities within the EU. The inputs will place European higher education within a broader political context, highlighting renewed expectations from EU policymakers for the sector. The speakers will explore how the new agenda of the newly set European Commission (with a new division of portfolia, including over (higher) education), European Parliament and the Council of the European Union Presidency can be aligned with opportunities presented by current and future EU-funded programmes, while also sharing key insights into the major milestones anticipated in 2025 and on the future generation of Erasmus+.

Policy inputs: 

Magdalena Maciejewska, Director of the Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, Polish Presidency

Stefan Zotti, Policy Officer, Higher Education Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission​​​​​​​

Stakeholder reactions: 

Michael Gaebel, Director, Higher Education Policy Unit, European University Association (EUA)
Rita Dias, President, Erasmus Student Network (ESN) 

Arno Schrooyen, Vice President, European Students' Union (ESU)  

Moderator: Mika Saarinen, Director, Erasmus+ National Agency, EDUFI 

14:30 - 15:10

Networking break

15:10 - 16:00

Flash update: synergies between education & research agendas in 2025
The aim of this panel is to provide a quick update on most relevant developments, especially on the actions and initiatives fostering synergies between education and research (mainly ERA Action 13, and especially the European Excellence Initiative, the MSCA actions, as well as sector initiatives such as CoARA). The inputs will be taking stock of developments to date, outline some plans for the remaining programme period, as well as the timeline and first ideas for the next programme generation in research and innovation (FP10).

Joerg Niehoff, Deputy Head of Unit, ERA, Spreading Excellence and Research Careers, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, European Commission 

Claire Morel, Head of Unit MSCA, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission

Stakeholder reaction: 

Silvia Gómez Recio, Secretary General, Young European Research Universities Network (YERUN) 

Moderator: Irina Ferencz, Director, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

16:15 - 17:30

Parallel Sessions - Erasmus priorities and the European Universities initiative

The parallel sessions will offer the opportunity for exchanges with experts and peers on the priorities of the upcoming Erasmus+ programme. The thematic focus of the parallel sessions will be on two of the main priorities of the Erasmus+ programme, digitalisation and inclusion, while the third parallel session will focus on the European degree, with insights from representatives from the European Commission together with institutional representatives. 

Parallel Session 1: Digitalisation in the Erasmus+ programme: Education, mobility and skills  
The session will examine the evolving role of digitalisation in the Erasmus+ Programme and its impact on education, skills, and mobility opportunities. Topics will include digital traineeship opportunities, the development of digital campuses, and the promotion of virtual international collaborations. Particular attention will be given to initiatives such as the European University Alliances scheme and Blended Intensive Programmes, combining online learning with short-term physical mobility, thereby enhancing accessibility and inclusivity. 

Svava Berglind Finsen, Policy Officer, Higher Education Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Paola Vellani, International Project Manager, Education Department, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB)

Darwyn Bruelemans, Web Project Administrator, Erasmus Student Network (ESN)

Moderator: Angeliki Psychogyiou, Policy and Project Coordinator, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

Parallel Session 2: Inclusion and Diversity in the Erasmus+ programme
The session with explore where the European HE sector currently stands in regard to the Inclusion & Diversity horizontal priority of the Erasmus+ programme. The speakers will discuss the topic from the perspectives of the programme and how it is implemented at institutional level. The participants will have an opportunity to interact with the speakers and discuss their institutional practices, challenges and ideas for the future.

Marta Gutierrez Benet,
Head of Sector, Programme Manager, Erasmus+ Coordination Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Tim Berckmans, Institutional Erasmus+ Coordinator, University of Antwerp

Moderator: Martin Bogdan, Policy and Project Coordinator, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

Parallel Session 3: Progress towards a European degree
Significant progress has been achieved moving towards a European degree (label) over the last months and more opportunities for experimentation and discussions at the EU level arise. This session will take stock of these rich developments, including the final outcomes of the Erasmus+ policy experimentation projects, zooming in on ETIKETA; new support measures bringing together key national and regional experts via a European degree lab and annual forum; and new funding lines under the Erasmus+ 2025 call, aiming to support the European degree pathway projects and exploratory actions. The session will conclude with a forward-looking discussion with the audience on the future(s) of the European degree beyond 2027.

Yann-Maël Bideau, Policy Officer, Higher Education Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Barry Dignam, Vice Dean and Programme Director, FilmEU European University

Moderator: Veronika Kupriyanova, Deputy Director, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

17:30 - 19:00

Please join us for a light networking reception.

Day 2 31 January 2025

8:45 - 9:15

Welcome coffee - Start Day 2 with a warm beverage and networking with other participants

9:15 - 9:50

Flash update: Key milestones for the international dimension post-2025 
The international dimension of Erasmus+ is in the political spotlight of Ursula von der Leyen’s renewed European Commission, thanks to the significant role it plays and it is envisaged to play in the context of increasing EU’s global competitiveness and talent attraction. This pivotal moment not only raises the profile of the international dimension of the programme, but also potentially creates the need for re-thinking some of the main building blocks and key processes underlying EU’s cooperation with higher education players – be they in the EU’s immediate neighbourhood or worldwide – based on the new geopolitical realities and changing strategic goals. As some of the changes might come into effect as early as 2025 call, this session will take stock of the different policy drivers and their anticipated impact on the immediate and longer-term opportunities for international cooperation under Erasmus+, while taking into account also changes in national-level policies and funding in Erasmus+ programme countries.

Filip Van Depoele, Head of Unit, International Cooperation, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Ragnhild Solvi Berg, Senior Adviser, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK Dir) 

Moderator: Luis de Barutell, Advisor, Spanish Service for the Internationalisation of Education (SEPIE) 

9:50 - 10:00

Transition to parallel sessions

10:00 – 11:25

Parallel Sessions: From policy to practice: focus on geographic priorities 
Following the same interactive design of day one's parallel sessions, day two continues with three more sessions focused on the geographic priorities of Erasmus+: (i) the Mediterranean, (ii) Africa, and (iii) Ukraine. Each session allows participants to raise questions directly with each other and with the speakers, and interact with the practices shared.

Parallel Session 1: Higher Education Cooperation with The Mediterranean
This session will provide an update on the evolving priorities, participation patterns, and funding opportunities for higher education cooperation with the South Mediterranean region under Erasmus+, with special emphasis on the 2025 call. The session will feature an institutional case of the University of Aix Marseille and its strategic approach to cooperation with the region by using a diversified set of support schemes. The session will close with a collective reflection on the ongoing developments and future prospects for cooperation with the South Mediterranean region and ways to sustain it.

Georgiana Plesu, International Relations Officer, International Cooperation Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Camille de Garidel-Thoron, Director of Strategic Projects and Networks, Aix Marseille University

Moderator: Antonija Gladović, Director, Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMEUP) 

Parallel Session 2: Higher Education Cooperation with Africa
This session will provide an update on the evolving priorities, participation patterns, and funding opportunities for higher education cooperation with Africa under Erasmus+, with special emphasis on the 2025 call. Additionally, it will offer insights into existing national funding schemes (illustrated by examples of Austria and Norway). Based on this overview, the session will feature an institutional case of UCLouvain and its strategic approach to cooperation with Africa by using a diversified set of support schemes. The session will close with a collective reflection on the ongoing developments and future prospects for cooperation with Africa and ways to sustain it.

Claire Herrmann, Policy Officer, International Cooperation Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Christel Vacelet, Head of International Relations, UCLouvain 

Gerhard Volz, Head of the Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education, Austria's Agency for Education and Internationalisation (OeAD)

Moderator: Hilde Haaland-Kramer, Head of the Department for Global Cooperation and Capacity Building, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK Dir) 

Parallel Session 3: Higher Education Cooperation with Ukraine
This session will zoom in on the evolving participation and funding opportunities for higher education cooperation with Ukraine under Erasmus+, with special emphasis on the 2025 call. It will feature an example of a strategic approach to cooperation with Ukraine, furnished by the University of Wroclaw, using opportunities offered by Erasmus+ (including mobility and European university alliances) and the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). The session will close with a group reflection on ways to enhance cooperation with Ukraine in the future. 

Adrien Olszak-Olszewski,
Policy Officer, International Cooperation Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Kamila Kamińska, Assistant Professor, University of Wrocław

Oleksandr Khyzhniak, Project Manager and Academic Freedom Program Coordinator, Centre for International Cooperation, VU Amsterdam  

Moderator: Michael Hörig, Director, DAAD Brussels Office

11:25 - 11:50

Networking break

11:50 - 13:15

Plenary: Deep transnational cooperation and innovation: impact and sustainability  
This plenary session will take stock of the existing evidence on the impact of the European Universities Initiative (EUI) at various levels and provide an update on the initiatives launched  – at European and national level – to ensure its current and future sustainability, and to widen the impact of this cooperation model. Subsequently, three speakers representing different types of European universities with different backgrounds and historical pathways will share the unique lessons learnt from their partnerships and provide recommendations on how to enhance both impact and sustainability, in order to stay relevant in a highly dynamic political context. 

Ioana Dewandeler,
Policy Officer, Higher Education Unit, Directorate-General for Education, Youth, and Erasmus+, European Commission 

Beate Körner, Head of Unit, Erasmus+ KA2 partnerships and cooperation projects, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) 

Liesbet Cosyn, Institutional Coordinator, U!REKA European University, HOGENT

Dorothy Kelly, Coordinator, Arqus European University Alliance

Mladen Kraljić, Deputy Secretary for International Relations, University of Maribor 

Moderator: Irina Ferencz, Director, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) 

13:15 - 13:20

Closing words - Gro TjoreDeputy Director, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-Dir) and, President, Academic Cooperation Association (ACA)

13:20 - 14:30

Light lunch

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